1-248-808-3130Nick Rowley, Karen Zahka, Katie Marshall, Lee Christie, hosted by Sean Claggett — Personal Injury, Motor Vehicle v. Motorcycle, $60,687,491 Verdict
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$54 Million
Brian Beecher
Brian Beecher
Arash Law led by Arash Khorsandi

I grew up in Des Moines, Iowa and I graduated from the University of Iowa. I think I have the Iowa Hawkeyes, corn, and all that Iowa stuff in my blood. I talk to people in elevators. I make friends with Uber drivers. And somehow this Midwestern guy fits in perfectly out here in Los Angeles and California. I enjoy playing tennis and going to the beach, and I never did get used to those Iowa winters. I have been married for nearly 15 years and I have a six year old daughter who keeps me very busy. My wife, Crystal, and I are two time champions of the Grilled Cheese Invitational (the Superbowl of Grilled Cheese cooking competitions) and we enjoy Star Wars, cats (we have four), Hawaii (we go twice a year), and the boardgame Scrabble (she always wins). I went to law school at Pepperdine because I wanted to be in Los Angeles and never thought I would practice personal injury. While I was in law school, I worked for VH1 and two different talent agencies because it was fun. I worked on a whole bunch of silly shows and met some really creative people. I even wrote a screenplay and sold it (but it never got made). My boss at VH1 told me that I needed to go work in litigation for a few years so I could see the inside of a courtroom and then come back to VH1. That seemed like a good idea to me. So I went and got a job at a law firm where some of my friends were lawyers. I was in Court the next day. And I never looked back. I had found where I fit. At first, I was assigned a mixture of business litigation cases with only a few personal injury cases, but those few personal injury cases were catastrophic injury matters. I soon found myself wanting only to work on the injury cases. I wanted to help the people who were actually hurt and whose futures were at stake, not the companies that were fighting over a contract term or trying to push an expense onto one of their business partners. I think it was the personal connection with clients as well as the injustice and bullying I see from insurance carriers that drew me towards personal injury and being a trial attorney. The Iowa side of me hates bullies. These days I am the lead trial attorney at The Law Office of Arash Khorsandi and also the Litigation Department Chair, where I manage 15 or so attorneys and another 85 paralegals and staff. It keeps me busy. If you come into my office you will see Iowa Hawkeye football helmets, guitars (I can play you the worst ever version of any Rolling Stones song), and pictures of my family. I am always trying to help our side of the bar make better chess moves and I preach these strategies internally at my firm as well as try to help those in need outside of the firm. I am adjunct professor at Pepperdine School of Law and currently the champion of my fantasy football league. I still find time to talk to people in elevators. I find it helps fine tune for voir dire.

Jujitsu Cross-Examination

Brian Beecher

Trial Lawyers University Icon

TLU New York City | September 20th - 23rd

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TLU New York City.

Jujitsu is a martial art used for close combat fighting. Jujitsu revolves around the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution so that the movements, strength, and size of the opponent his used against the opponent. Mr. Beecher uses this style of cross-exam to use the witness’s hostility, defensiveness, and adversarial nature against them—and also to arm the jury with the important knowledge of the facts and facets of the case, so that the witness will unwittingly contradict or fail to align with other aspects of the Defense case. When this happens, the witness is providing truthful and complete answers that resonate with the jury, but (unbeknownst to the witness) prove the Plaintiff’s case. Mr. Beecher will be teaching how to apply these concepts in both trial and deposition. 


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